Monday, November 28, 2011

April Greiman Summary

 April Greiman is a contemporary designer who was recognized as one of the first designers to embrace computer technology as a design tool. Greiman studied graphic design at Kansas City Art Institute then earned her Master’s degree from Basel School of Design in Switzerland. During her early years as a designer Greiman was inspired by the International style, and later became a fan of the New Wave style. Other designers that were popular during the same time as Greiman generally avoided computers and digitalization since they were challenging. However, April Greiman embraced the pixilation and other error that often occurred in digital art and exploited them. Aside from being a designer herself, Greiman has also taught at many different art schools including Academy of Art University, Woodward University, The Southern California Institute of the Arts. April Greiman used a Macintosh computer for the majority of her work and won the Grand Prize in Mac World’s First Macintosh Masters in Art competition. April also won the American Institute of Graphic Arts Gold Medal for lifetime achievement, and was awarded a total of six honorary doctorates. Lastly, Greiman has exhibited in both solo and group exhibitions both nationally and internationally.

Here is a quick sketch of the layout of my webpage for April Greiman.

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