Thursday, October 27, 2011

Magazine Masthead Examples

Here are a few examples of typefaces that I am considering using for the masthead of my magazine cover. I created the typeface on the top left by using the Wacom tablet in Photoshop then creating a vector image of it in Illustrator. The rest of the typefaces are from InDesign. I originally wanted my masthead to have a elegant handwritten look, but after exploring many different typefaces I am now leaning toward the simple and "clean cut" style typefaces.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Magazine Cover Sketches

Here are 3 rough sketches for my magazine cover that I created in Photoshop using the Wacom tablet.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Magazine Mood Board

Here is my mood board for my magazine cover. I decided to go with an earthy "boho" tone. My magazine will reflect a unique and eclectic style. I am still going to create a fashion magazine that is geared toward young middle-class women, but my magazine will focus on more natural and toned down approaches to beauty and fashion rather than the stereotypical glamorous and "over-the-top" approach.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Magazine Mind Map

Here is my mind map for my magazine cover. I think I'm going to go in the direction of creating a fashion/beauty magazine for young women in their 20's (like me). The magazine will be geared toward "average" women who are looking for fashion/beauty ideas and tips that fit their tight budget; it will be somewhat of a break from current fashion/beauty magazines that target wealthy upper-class women.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Google Sketch Up

Here are two chairs that I created using Google Sketch Up.  The chair on the left was created using a subtractive method, while the chair on the right was created using an additive method.  This was my first experience using Sketch Up, and I must admit that it is fun and fairly easy to use.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Final Product!

Finished Seed Packets

Here are my finished seed packets. I did a lot of refining of my original designs, especially on the faces and flowers. I learned a lot about Illustrator and it's capabilities through this project. After looking back on the first few assignments that I completed in Illustrator, I am confident in saying that my skills and understanding of certain tools has definitely improved.