Thursday, September 22, 2011

Seed Packet Progress

I've made many changes to my original design for my first seed packet. I kept the color scheme, typeface, and overall mood of the seed packet. I worked mostly on the petals of the flower, the leaves, the detail in the background, the border, and the composition of all of the objects within the packet. I am still working on the face in the middle of the flower. Specifically, I plan to make the face more feminine and soft since this particular packet of seeds is supposed to grow a sister. I am also still playing around with the layout of the packet. So far I am fairly pleased with my progress on the seed packet, but I still have a lot of changes to make.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Seed Packet Mood Board

Here is a screen shot of my mood board for my seed packet project. My mood board contains images, textures, colors, and type examples that embody the overall mood and feel that I want my seed packets to have. The theme of my seed packets is "family tree."I want the overall color theme of my seed packets to be fairly neutral and light. I also want to incorporate "earthy" textures if possible. Each of my seed packets will be designed differently, but they will all be unified by the same color palette and overall mood.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Seed Packet Mind Map

Here is a picture of the mind map I created to generate ideas for the upcoming seed packet project. I was pretty surprised and slightly amused by the ideas that were coming into my mind as I was working on this. I let the ideas flow from my mind without any hesitation. Ultimately, I found this exercise very helpful in creating ideas for this project.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Re-Creating Logos in Illustrator CS5

Our homework assignment was to re-create a few famous logos using Adobe Illustrator CS5. I was specifically assigned to re-create the logos in the left column of the logo template. This included the UPS, Virgin Records, MacIntosh, and NFL logos. In the top image my re-created logos are located directly to the right of each original logo that I had to re-create. The bottom image contains all four of my re-created logos. Some of the colors in my re-created logos are slightly different than those in the original images so I could see my own mark making as I was working directly on top of the original logos. To re-create these logos I used mainly the pen tool, the line tool, and the rectangle/ellipse tool. This assignment was my very first time creating anything using Illustrator. Due to this, I found this assignment to be a bit tricky and sometimes frustrating. However, by the end of the assignment, I found myself becoming more comfortable using Illustrator.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Black Circles in Adobe Illustrator

The assignment was to create an interesting composition using at least 100 black circles. Toward the bottom of my design, the circles increase in size and decrease in number. Toward the top of my design, the circles decrease in size but increase in number. This design embodies the principle of repetition since the entire design is made of repeating black circles.